Override Data source not working?

zjcheah (3 posts)
May 3, 2017 08:51 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi, I'm currently on an eval license, and am interested to purchase the product, but I have a particular use-case which I can't seem to get to work easily. 


Currently I have made reports with SAP Crystal Reports 2013 SP5. I want to transfer these reports to client servers and scheduled to run. Obviously in the each customer setup, the database source would be different (name, alias, port etc), and I should be able to adjust the data source for each customer deployment. 

However it does not seem to work in my testing, e.g. the report works OK when run locally against my setup. On another deployment environment, it still looks for my own local development even though I have set the customer deployment DB details. 

If I edit the report via Crystal Report and save the connection settings within the report with the customer specific DB details, then the DB connection is successfully made and the output is generated.

Any hints on what is going on, can you confirm this feature should be working fine? 


Bill Staff (603 posts)
May 3, 2017 12:24 PM
Accepted Answer

If you have configured the database connection on your command line or in your project it should work fine. What symptoms are you getting? Is there an error message?

What type of database are you connecting to? What driver?

zjcheah (3 posts)
May 5, 2017 01:22 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi Bill, 

There is no connection error when I'm testing within my own network as all the DBs that I'm experimenting against is available to me, but obviously when testing it on customer's deployment site, it can't connect. 

Let me detail my testing:

1. I have a report called WarehouseStockDetailsWithLocations.rpt, the saved connection string (see attached diagram CRWINHOCK) is pointing to a SQL server called WINHCOK

2. If I run Report Commander with this report, with unchanged data source settings in the Project Editor, it works fine. However if I change the data source settings to point to another SQL server called ZJPC, the report runs again, but it picks up data from WINHCOK still, not from ZJPC. 

3. If I edit my WarehouseStockDetailsWithLocations.rpt and change the connection string within to point to ZJPC, and run step #2 again, it will pick up data from ZJPC regardless again of the data source settings. This implies the way Crystal works is a little bit different vs how the software expects to set the source of the data. 

4. Both WINHCOK and ZJPC are different machines, but have the default MSSQL instance installed (no special names) etc. I have added both into the ODBC sources. I have SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET framework (64 bit) v13.0.16.1954 installed.






Bill Staff (603 posts)
May 5, 2017 04:40 AM
Accepted Answer
Please open a support case and send us your report file and your project file (with the data source overridden to ZJPC). Also, run the report from the Project Editor with the override in place. In the log window, click the Save button to save the log, and send that as well.
zjcheah (3 posts)
May 5, 2017 04:54 AM
Accepted Answer

Another point to add I found out, that if I change the connection string in a report and save it, it doesn't change what Report Commander shows as the default saved connection in the report. 


When I say change connection string, I mean the CRWINHCOK.png screen I attached in the post above, not the CystalODBCscreen.png that I just uploaded in this screen. I guess this CrystalODBCscreen is the one that affects the data that is shown by Report Commander. 







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