adTempus Release Notes

Released December 19, 2013


Add support for custom work week definition
Previous versions had the ability to schedule on "weekdays" (Monday through Friday) and "weekends" (Saturday, Sunday). Changed to eliminate these fixed definitions to support other workweeks (e.g., Sunday through Thursday).
Added support for PowerShell Script Libraries

Fixed Issues

File capture based on start time does not work
If option checked to only capture files modified since start of job, files not captured.
Job Control Action to run another step skips over the selected step and goes to next
Notification Action does not include attachments
File Capture Action does not e-mail files
File condition fails when directory not found


Data Conversion
Job Control Action links lost in conversion
Alert notification rule matching is incorrect
Alert logged daily for update messages
Cannot remove existing object references in some scenarios
In some scenarios it was not possible to remove a reference from one object to another. For example, if a Schedule Trigger was configured to use a Holiday Set and you changed the Schedule Trigger to no longer use holidays, after saving the Schedule Trigger the holidays were still referenced.
Report Designer
Report designer crashes when creating new report
PowerShell output not captured when script uses "exit" command
E-mail send from script fails
Added support for including PowerShell scripts

PowerShell scripts can now reference/include other scripts.

Remote service control fails with permission error
Job Trigger "Ignore manual instance" option looks at wrong job
Job Trigger not checking source machine of instance events
Event Log Monitor not matching event severity correctly
User Interface
Linked Servers window doesn't show information in columns
Message log query doesn't include non-job messages if jobs selected
Cannot create server-level job variable
Cannot specify remote computer name for service control task
Cannot change name of Job Group
Changes were not saved
Server error when comparing two snapshots
Error when duplicating step that executes notification task
Console error when trying to save object after correcting error


Console crash when trying to run job from selected step
Job Control Action does not correctly display selected target step or checkpoint
Console error when duplicating step that contains a Response