
If you use the new "Don't import referenced objects that already exist on this server" option when importing jobs into adTempus, the import process may not handle "duplicate" objects correctly, resulting in database errors when you try to save the objects.

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A duplicate object is an object that exists in both the import source and the target server, but that has a different internal identifier. For example, if you export a job from Server A, the export file will contain the Credential Profile for the job. You import the file into Server B, which already has a Credential Profile for the same user, but that profile was created independently. This is a "duplicate" of the profile.

In this scenario, adTempus should map the job to use the existing Credential Profile on the target server, rather than trying to create a new profile for the same user. However, when you use the "Don't import referenced objects that already exist on this server," the import process may instead try to create a new profile instead of using the existing one. When the import process tries to save this new profile, it gets a database error because of a duplicate key.

The import will fail with the following error:

Message Number: ADT005311E
Message: A database error occurred while processing the request. More information may be available in the Alerts log or in the Windows Event Viewer on the adTempus server.

If you display the details of the error message, or review the Alerts view in the adTempus Console, you will find a database error similar to the following:

An exception was caught during the execution of an action query: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ_CredentialProfileUserID'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.CredentialProfile'. The duplicate key value is (<NULL>, domain\user, <NULL>).


Uncheck the "Don't import referenced objects that already exist on this server" on the Select Objects page of the Import Wizard, which will make the import work as in version 4.2 and earlier. You must then unselect any objects you don't want to import.


This issue was resolved in version 4.3.1. See article K00000517 to download an update to correct this problem.