
If a user script logs more than 20 messages to the adTempus Job Log, adTempus issues the following Alert for the job:

Scripts in this job have logged n informational messages to the Job Log. Consider using the Debug log level to send messages to the script debug log instead of the main Job Log. Set the "JobExecutor:ScriptMessageWarningThreshold" server option to 0 to disable this warning.

More Information

Each message that a script logs is stored as a record in the adTempus database. If you have a large number of scripts that log many messages, this can cause the adTempus database to grow very large.

Often such messages are logged to assist with debugging or verifying script operation and don't benefit from appearing as separate entries in the adTempus Job Log.

Therefore, beginning with version 4, adTempus includes a Script Debug Log, intended for such low-level debugging messages. The Script Debug Log is a single file (stored on disk rather than in the database) that contains all debug-level messages for the script.

Using the Debug Log

To send messages to the Script Debug Log rather than the main Job Log, modify your scripts to use the MessageTypeEnum.Debug value for the message type when calling the adTempus.LogMessage method to log messages.

For example, your script may contain statements like:

adTempus.LogMessage(MessageTypeEnum.Informational,0,"Beginning file processing")

To send the message to the Script Debug Log instead of the Job Log, change the code to read as follows:

adTempus.LogMessage(MessageTypeEnum.Debug,0,"Beginning file processing")

The Script Debug Log will appear in the Captured Files list for the job when execution completes.

Note: Any messages that convey important information like warnings or errors, or that need to be visible while the job is executing, should still be sent to the Job Log instead of the Script Debug Log.

Removing the Warning Message

To adjust the warning threshold or eliminate this message, follow these steps:

  1. In the adTempus Console, go to the Configuration menu and select General Server Options.
  2. In the Server Options window, click the Advanced Options link near the bottom of the window.
  3. In the Advanced Server Options window, locate the setting named "JobExecutor:ScriptMessageWarningThreshold".
  4. Click twice in the "Current Value" column so the cell becomes editable. It should show a value of "(default)".
  5. This threshold determines how many messages must be logged by scripts in a job before the warning is issued. The default value is 20.
    • Set the threshold to a higher value if you want to allow more log messages before an alert is issued.
    • Set the threshold to "0" to disable this alert.
  6. Click OK to close the Advanced Server Options window.
  7. Click OK to close the Server Options window.

 The new setting will be in effect the next time a job runs.