
adTempus does not have the built-in ability to run Windows PowerShell scripts, but PowerShell scripts can be run using the standard Program Execution task in adTempus.

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To run a PowerShell script:

  1. Create a new Job step to "Execute a program, batch file, etc."
  2. In the Program Execution Task Properties window, set the Target to the powershell executable, e.g., "c:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe".
  3. In the Command-Line Parameters box enter:

    -command "& 'script name.ps1' "

    Replace script name.ps1 with the path and name of the PowerShell script you want to execute. Be sure to include the single and double quotes as shown above.

  4. Optionally, use the "Capture Console" setting for the Window Mode to capture the output produced by your script.


For more information on Windows PowerShell, refer to the Windows PowerShell section of the Microsoft Web site.