
This article discusses the settings that adTempus uses to connect to a SQL Server database. These settings are made automatically when you run the adTempus SQL Server migration/configuration tool. In some cases you may need to review or modify the settings.

Description of Settings

The information adTempus uses to connect to a SQL Server database is found in the Registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcana Development\adTempus\Database". This key has three values:

  • ConnectionString (always present)
  • UserID (present only when using SQL Server (password) security
  • Password (present only when using SQL Server (password) security

Database Connection String

The ConnectionString value specifies the name of the server where SQL Server is installed, the name of the database that holds the adTempus configuration, and the authentication method to use when connecting to the database. Following are examples of connection strings:

Provider=SQLOLEDB;server=mysqlserver\adtempus;database=adtempus_XXXX; Integrated Security=SSPI

Provider=SQLOLEDB;server=.\adtempus;database=adtempus_XXXX; Integrated Security=SSPI


The ConnectionString comprises the following configurable segments:


Specifies the name or IP address of the computer where SQL Server is running, and, optionally, the name of a named instance of SQL Server.

If SQL Server is on the same computer as adTempus, specify the server name as ".".

database Specifies the name of the database used by adTempus. This database must have been created by the configuration/migration tool.
Integrated Security=SSPI

If this segment is present, adTempus uses integrated (Windows) security, and the UserID and Password values are not used.

If you want to use SQL Server (password) security, remove "; Integrated Security=SSPI" from the ConnectionString and set the UserID and Password values.

Database Credentials

If you are not using integrated (Windows) security, you must specify the user ID and password that adTempus will use to connect to the database.

The UserID value must specify an account that has been set up in SQL Server. This account must have full access to the adTempus database.

The Password value will appear as an encrypted binary value. You cannot determine the value that is set for the password. To set a new password, delete the existing binary Password value, then create a new String (REG_SZ) "Password" value, set to the appropriate password. When adTempus is restarted, it will encrypt the password and rewrite the Password value.

Changing Settings

You can use the database configuration tool to change the database settings instead of updating the Registry directly.

  • For adTempus 2.0.4 and 2.1, this tool is called "adtsqldb.exe" and is found in the "sqlserver" directory under the adTempus program directory.
  • For adTempus 3.0 and later, this tool is called "adtdbconfig.exe" and is found in the "database" directory under the adTempus program directory

When you run the tool, you will be prompted for the database connection information, and then asked what actions you want to take. Uncheck all actions except "Configure adTempus to use the database".

Note that the tool allows you to change the configuration, but does not display the current configuration.

More Information

More information on using adTempus with SQL Server can be found in the Using SQL Server topic in the adTempus online help.