
The Resources page of the Job Properties window in adTempus allows you to define network resources required by the job, and optionally to map those resources to drive letters. If you assign a drive letter to a network resource and that drive letter is in use by another logon session when the job starts, the job will fail with an error similar to the following:

Cannot load network connection \\servername\sharename: The local device name is already in use


In Windows, when a drive letter is mapped to a network resource that mapping is available only to the logon session that made the mapping. Further, a given drive letter can only be mapped in a single logon session.

When you specify a drive letter for a network resource, you must therefore use a drive letter that will not be in use by any other logon sessions (including other jobs or the "interactive" user) when the job runs.

More Information

For more information see the "Network Access for Jobs" topic in the adTempus online help.

See Also

K00000169: Sharing network drive letters between jobs