Create a new login and assign it to the Administrators role

Languages: C#, VB.NET

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This sample demonstrates how to create a new adTempus login for a Windows user and assign it to a role (security group).

The code creates a new adTempus login for a Windows security principal (or group), then assigns the login to the Administrators role in adTempus.

    public void Main()
        using (var session = Scheduler.Connect(".", LoginAuthenticationType.Windows, "", ""))
            using (var context = session.NewDataContext())
                var login = CreateLoginForUser(context, @"domain\username");
                if (login == null)

                // now assign the user to the Administrators group (role)

                // fetch the role

                var adminRole = context.GetSecurityRole("Administrators");
                if (adminRole == null)

                // add the role to the user and save

    private SecurityLogin CreateLoginForUser(ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client.DataContext context, string windowsLoginName)
        var login = context.GetSecurityLogin(windowsLoginName);
        if (login != null)
            // login already exists
            return null;

        // no login exists for this name. Need to create one.
        // look up the user in Active Directory to get the Windows SID
        var sid = context.Scheduler.ResolveSecurityName(windowsLoginName);
        if (sid == null)
            // user not found on server
            // handle error
            return null;
        // create the login
        login = (SecurityLogin)context.CreateObject(ClassID.SecurityLogin);

        // if the Windows identity is a user, configure as a user in adTempus
        if (sid.NameUse == SIDNameUse.User)
            login.LoginType = LoginType.WindowsUser;
            // otherwise it's a group. Configure it as a group in adTempus to make it a template login
            // (see Automatic Login through Group Membership
            login.LoginType = LoginType.WindowsGroup;
        login.WindowsSid = sid.SIDString;
        login.Name = windowsLoginName;
        return login;
Sub Main
	Using session = Scheduler.Connect(".", LoginAuthenticationType.Windows, "", "")
		Using context = session.NewDataContext()

			Dim login = CreateLoginForUser(context, "domain\username")
			If login Is Nothing Then
			End If
			'now assign the user to the Administrators group (role)

			'fetch the role
			Dim adminRole = context.GetSecurityRole("Administrators")
			If adminRole Is Nothing Then
			End If

			'add the role to the user and save
		End Using
	End Using
End Sub

Private Function CreateLoginForUser(context As ArcanaDevelopment.adTempus.Client.DataContext, windowsLoginName As String) As SecurityLogin
	Dim login = context.GetSecurityLogin(windowsLoginName)
	If login IsNot Nothing Then
		'login already exists
		Return Nothing
	End If
	'no login exists for this name. Need to create one.
	'look up the user in Active Directory to get the Windows SID
	Dim sid = context.Scheduler.ResolveSecurityName(windowsLoginName)
	If sid Is Nothing Then
		'user not found on server
		'handle error
		Return Nothing
	End If
	'create the login
	login = CType(context.CreateObject(ClassID.SecurityLogin),SecurityLogin)

	'if the Windows identity is a user, configure as a user in adTempus
	If sid.NameUse = SIDNameUse.User Then
		login.LoginType = LoginType.WindowsUser
		'otherwise it's a group. Configure it as a group in adTempus to make it a template login
		'(see Automatic Login through Group Membership
		login.LoginType = LoginType.WindowsGroup
	End If
	login.Name = windowsLoginName
	Return login
End Function 


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