Submit a job for execution and wait for completion

Languages: C#, VB.NET

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See the Client API Examples Introduction for additional information and prerequisites.

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This example demonstrates how to submit a job for execution and then wait until execution has completed.

The Execute method returns a collection of all the instances created for the execution request (there may be more than one instance if the job runs in a queue that targets multiple agents). To wait for completion, you must periodically refresh the status of each of these instances until all have finished running.

        void RunJobAndWait(Job job)
            var options = new JobExecutionSettings();

            //submit the job
            var result = job.Execute(options);

            if (!result.JobSubmitted)
                //The job could not be submitted. The result.Messages collection will contain the error message(s)

            var waitingInstances = new List();

            //result.Instances has all the instances created for this request
            //make a new collection of them

            while (waitingInstances.Any())
                //Sleep for some reasonable period before checking again

                //look at each instance that we're still waiting on
                foreach (var instance in waitingInstances.ToArray())
                    //Refresh the instance to get its latest status from the server

                    //The instance is created with state NotRun. If we poll the server before the execution process has gotten
                    //underway it's possible the instance will still have that state, so we treat that the same as if it were running.
                    //The IsRunning property returns true if the job is in any of the active job states
                    if (instance.Status != JobState.NotRun && !instance.IsRunning)
                        //if the instance is no longer running, remove it from the list of instances we're waiting on.

                //if all instances have completed, waitingInstances will be empty and we're finished
Private Sub RunJobAndWait(ByVal job As Job)
    Dim options = New JobExecutionSettings()
	'submit the job
    Dim result = job.Execute(options)

    If Not result.JobSubmitted Then
		'The job could not be submitted. The result.Messages collection will contain the error message(s)
    End If

	'result.Instances has all the instances created for this request
    'make a new collection of them
    Dim waitingInstances = New List(Of ExecutionHistoryItem)()

    While waitingInstances.Any()
		'Sleep for some reasonable period before checking again

		'look at each instance that we're still waiting on
        For Each instance In waitingInstances.ToArray()
			'Refresh the instance to get its latest status from the server

			'The instance is created with state NotRun. If we poll the server before the execution process has gotten
			'underway it's possible the instance will still have that state, so we treat that the same as if it were running.
			'The IsRunning property returns true if the job is in any of the active job states
            If instance.Status <> JobState.NotRun AndAlso Not instance.IsRunning Then
				'if the instance is no longer running, remove it from the list of instances we're waiting on.
            End If
		'if all instances have completed, waitingInstances will be empty and we're finished
    End While
End Sub


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