Getting a fully qualified job name from the job ID.

phavanagi (15 posts)
August 10, 2017 08:43 AM
Accepted Answer

Hi Bill,

Is there a method that would give me the job name if I provide it with the Job ID? I did look through the documentation but could not find any. Kindly let me know if I am missing something.

Bill Staff (599 posts)
August 10, 2017 09:08 AM
Accepted Answer

The Job ID (displayed in the job properties in the Console) is the OID in the API. You would convert the value to a GUID, then use DataContext.GetObject to get the job for the OID (I don't think DataContext.GetJob works if you give it an OID instead of a name).

Cast the result to type Job, then use Name or FullyQualifiedName to get the name.

phavanagi (15 posts)
August 10, 2017 09:34 AM
Accepted Answer

Thanks Bill,

I did try that, Below is the code, but it gives an error as Cannot implicitly convert type '... .ADTOblect' to ' ... .Job'.

Can you let me know how do I cast it?

using (DataContext context = connection.NewDataContext())
                        OID o = new OID("c8092893-0136-4271-b88d-4356de7c51a8");
                        Job obj = context.GetObject(o); // error on this line
//Rest of the code
Bill Staff (599 posts)
August 10, 2017 09:49 AM
Accepted Answer

You need an explicit cast:

Job obj = (Job)context.GetObject(o);


Job obj = context.GetObject(o) as Job;


phavanagi (15 posts)
August 10, 2017 10:22 AM
Accepted Answer

Yeah, I did cast it, but it still gives me a null response.

OID o = new OID("c8092893-0136-4271-b88d-4356de7c51a8"); -> Is this the right way to declare the JOB Id i.e. OID in the API ?


string connectionDesciptor = Scheduler.BuildConnectionDescriptor(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdTempusServer"],Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdTempusPort"]),""  );
using (Scheduler connection = Scheduler.Connect())
              using (DataContext context = connection.NewDataContext())
                     OID o = new OID("118827ab-a00d-40c9-8c36-b8fb6f93014d");
                      Job obj = (Job)context.GetObject(o);
                      Job job = context.GetJob(obj.Name);

Doing something like this.

JOB ID is : {118827ab-a00d-40c9-8c36-b8fb6f93014d} when I view in the Console. Kindly let me know where I am going wrong.


Bill Staff (599 posts)
August 10, 2017 11:31 AM
Accepted Answer

Sorry! I didn't answer correctly, and I didn't pay attention to that part of your code. The Job ID doesn't translate straight to the OID: An OID is the object ID (GUID) plus a class ID, and you're missing the class ID. I'm surprised something didn't throw an exception since the string value you're passing it isn't a valid OID.

You need:

OID o=new OID(ClassID.Job, New Guid("118827ab-a00d-40c9-8c36-b8fb6f93014d"));


phavanagi (15 posts)
August 10, 2017 11:37 AM
Accepted Answer
Thanks Bill, Appreciate your help :)
phavanagi (15 posts)
August 10, 2017 11:54 AM
Accepted Answer

Also Bill,

Is there a way to retrieve the Job ID from the fully qualified job name?

Bill Staff (599 posts)
August 10, 2017 12:08 PM
Accepted Answer
Use GetJob to get the job based on the name. Job.OID.ObjectID gives you the GUID that is shown as the Job ID in the Console.

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