This applies to Report Commander 2.2.
I've set up a new install of Report Commander on a new server and am having a lot of difficulties getting to export existing reports, which I think is due to Report Commander not creating the directories.
An example command-line would be:
adcrutil.exe -report="D:\Reports\test.rpt" -login!={userid:user}{password:password} -exportformat=PDF -exportfile="D:\Reports\{-1m:MM-yyyy}\test.pdf"
Will return an error such as:
Error: Export failed: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Reports\05-2016\~04ada448a266448495f12ab2503abaff.pdf'
My initial thought was that somehow the application couldn't write to the drive/folders so I opened up all the NTFS permissions, however it didn't improve anything. If I manually create the directory structure it will export the report fine. Hell, I can export the report to any existing folder on the system (including Windows) no problems. So I'm not convinced it's an access/permissions problem (it doesn't work even if running the command-line in an administrator console).
It just seems like for whatever reason Report Commander can't (or won't) create the directories (not an issue I was experiencing on the old server with Report Commander 1.0). I would have expected that it would return an error if it couldn't create the path, but nothing.
Has this issue been encountered by anyone before? Viewing the debug info gives no indication of a failure to create the directories (nor an attempt to).