Account Help

Our site-wide user account system unifies access to

Do I Have an Account?

You already have an account if:

  • You registered for one previously
  • You have posted in the discussion forums
  • Your e-mail address is designated as a contact person for a license account
  • Your e-mail address has been used as the billing or purchasing address for an order placed through our online store.

If you're not sure, try to log in, or go to the forgot password page to reset your password.

Account Types

Your Site Account (or site login) represents you as an individual. It may be linked to one or more Customer Accounts and License Accounts.

Customer Accounts

A Customer Account represents an individual or organization that has purchased software from Arcana Development.

You may have a Customer Account but not a License Account if you have purchased software for someone else.

License Accounts

A License Account is used to manage software licenses for an organization. The License Accounts you are associated with are listed in the Licenses section of your account. From here you can manage each account; see the licensing help page for more information.

There may be more than one user (site account) linked to a License Account, as more than one person may be responsible for managing licenses for an organization.

An organization may have more than one license account. This can happen if you have deliberately kept your licenses in different accounts (for example, if they are managed by different groups within the organization), or it may happen accidentally (if you purchased additional licenses and didn't tell us to put them in your existing account).

If your organization has more than one account, you can merge the licenses into a single account.

Contact Us

If you need further assistance, please contact [email protected].