
When you run a Database Operation Task that performs a database select or update, the task fails with the following error:

Failed to execute SQL command at line 1: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.: The wait operation timed out [ADT005324E]


The operation has exceeded the time limit for database operations.


adTempus 4

In adTempus versions 4.0.0 through 4.0.2, there is a default time limit of 30 seconds, and this value is not configurable.

In adTempus 4.1 and later, the default time limit is 20 minutes, and this limit can be modified using the Timeout for Database Operation Task Commands option in the Server Options window.

adTempus 5 and Later

Beginning with version 5.0, the timeout can be configured separately for each task using the Database Command Timeout option in the Database Operation Task Properties window.