Job Executions no longer show up in the job history

Tubby7242 (6 posts)
June 2, 2016 08:52 AM
Accepted Answer

I am running AdTempus and about a week ago the job history stopped recording job execution but the jobs are still running as scheduled. Each job is set to "Use global default setting" under "History Retention" and "Retain indefinitely" is marked in Server Options. The Last Start and Last Stop columns have been updating with each scheduled run but the History and Job Log tabs have not been keeping up.

Do you know what could cause the history to stop recording?

Bill Staff (599 posts)
June 2, 2016 10:47 AM
Accepted Answer

My guess is that there's a database problem that's preventing adTempus from saving the data. Check the Application log in the Event Viewer and see if there is an error message from adTempus reporting the problem.

If so you can look at the adtempussrv.*.log files in the "logs" folder under the adTempus program folder to try to diagnose and resolve the problem, or open a support case and send us the logs.

Tubby7242 (6 posts)
June 2, 2016 03:53 PM
Accepted Answer
Thanks. I found an error in both logs that showed that the database was full. After changing the history retention to a few months instead of keep indefinitely and bouncing adTempus everything is working again.
Bill Staff (599 posts)
June 2, 2016 04:14 PM
Accepted Answer

It will take about 2 hours after the restart before adTempus starts purging the old data, and may take it a long time to clear it out. Sometimes, if the size limit for SQL Server Express has been hit, it's not able to delete data due to the need for transaction log space. So keep an eye out for further database errors being reported. You can clear data manually as discussed here.

Be sure you don't restart the computer or the SQL Server service until you have the size problem dealt with. If you do, SQL Server may refuse to mount the database due to its being over the size limit, and then you won't be able to work on it without moving it to a full SQL Server instance.

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